
FEEEEEELLLLLSSSSSSSSSSSSS. It’s like, summer holidays now, and high school is over for me and now it’s all the important shit and it sucks.


(not that I’m a massive fan of Matt Smith because we all know David Tennant was better)

But now for neeeewwwssss de la ma vie. Whatever.

1. Prom – Yup, yup, yup, that happened. And it was just as crap as I expected but it was really fun, so it was a good end to high school 🙂 The music was terrible mostly (the inevitable chart music, hate it) but I chose to just sing and dance and act retarded all night anyway. My bestie managed to subtly make sure I got a picture with le sexy fucking stupid bastard of a garcon, so hahahahaha I’ll just have to burn it some day to get rid of the feels. Hmph.
Anyway, it was a good night, I mean what can you really expect from a high school prom with a bunch of 14 year olds? The last song played was ‘Let Her Go’ by Passenger, which, if you live in the UK, I’m pretty sure you would have heard by now. So that was the slow-dance one during which, about 90% of the girls cried hysterically and the boys did the whole ‘man-hug’ thing which just made them look like pricks. By the end of it, I almost felt bad for not crying… I just kind of walked out shouting, ‘GOODBYE, MOTHERFUCKERS’. Call me insensitive, but I really didn’t care about the majority of my year sooooo ha. But there were all the hugs and stuff in our group, one of which, avec, AGF2, lasted approximately the entire song, and consisted of AGF1 going ‘awwwww’ and my middle finger miraculously appearing in front of his face. Multi-tasking.
My English teacher felt it an appropriate time to give myself and my bestie a lecture on taking English Lit, not English Language at A-Level and university. Yep. It took half an hour.
EBBF (if you don’t know who she is by now, pay attention my dear friends because this has been said many times before: she is le sexy fucking stupid bastard of a garcon (LSFSBoaG) ‘s girlfriend. And my ex best friend. Who hates me. And is now going to have to spend 2 years with me, kicking her ass. More on that later.) turned up on rollerskates which everyone found totally ‘original, unique, cute, adorable, cool, badass, totally-EBBF-like’ *cough* If it had been anyone else, it would have been alright. But her? Ah nah. If that wasn’t enough, she turned up with LSFSBoaG in tow on his skateboard. Biiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttccccchhhhh.
Enough on her, though if anyone has any imaginative plans to do with her death, please do share.

To you newbies, I’m not a murderer, okay, I just really really hate her

2. L’end of term stuff – people crying, teachers crying, people hating on the crying people…

3. Crappy holidays en Angleterre. – I was ‘on holiday’ last week. It wasn’t terrible, I mean, it could have been worse. It was boiling hot all week and I almost got a tan. (It’s a miracle in England, okay). I was in Whitby so I managed to see the abbey that is linked to all the Dracula stuff, and that was good. I’m currently reading Dracula so it was a good place to go. Bought numerous by ‘numerous’ I mean two dream catchers (they’re my new thing, I love them).

4. I’VE GOT TICKETS TO SEE PANIC! IN NOVEMBER LIKE OMG HYPERVENTALATING!!!! I can’t even…. BRENDON URIE IN THE SAME ROOM HOLY MOTHER OF SLOTHS GUYS THIS IS A MIRACLE AND OH MY GOD. And then 4 days later, I’m going to see Imagine freaking Dragons which is also going to be AMAZING. I’ll sneak you guys in through the air vents or something.

5. My hair is dip dyed purple. :O I’ll put a picture up when I can be bothered to make myself look slightly less like I’ve just finished a drug deal.



7. I have to clear out my entire room before Thursday because I’m finally having it redecorated. I don’t even know what colour I’m going to have it. Someone with inspirational paint ideas, please help me.

8. College – Okay, so we had our 3 day induction on the penultimate week of school, and it was alright I guess. I’m not with any of my absolute closest friends in anything, (unless I switch to goddamn fast track French which is looking like a possibility because my French class is crap (but there is a fit lad in there… XD) and so is my geography teacher so I can move to the better geography class yay) but I’m with 3 close friends in core subjects and I know a lot of the people in my classes so it’s okay I suppose. BUT.


And unfortunately, a lot of them are in my classes.

One in particular… Let’s call him… Cu- *cough* Moron. Now, Moron is one of the most beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep, etc etc, this could go on for ages Anyway, I was SO happy to be rid of him after 3 years. But nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, I now have him in all my core lessons. But I am taking absolutely no shit from that boy this year, because he deserves to effing die in a pot of acid, each limb slowly burning one by one. Or he could be tortured like in one of Fall Out Boy’s videos (God knows which one it was, their videos are strange). Anyways, you get the jist. ARGH. Bastard.

And then there’s EBBF.


Seriously, why aren’t these gifs working click on them to experience the full dan-ripping-his-top-off experience
Who hates my guts.

Because her boyfriend happened to be talking to me.

It’d be nice to be spared the dirty looks every single time she sees me.

But the thing is, two of the close friends that I’m in lessons with are like besties with her. So she’ll always engage in conversation with them, whilst constantly giving me bitchy looks. Nice.

On induction, we had to play rounders and now she’s in my PE. So I was stood at third, right in front of her. You don’t know how tempting it was to hit her round the head with the bat.

I’m so nice.

But seriously, I haven’t even done anything to her, we haven’t even spoken since about three years ago. So, whatever. She can hate me if she wants because the girl’s going to get her ass kicked.

9. Um… not much else to say at the moment.

I still need to read all your blogs, I’m stupidly slow at doing it but I promise I will.

Cheers for staying with me and listening to my rant.


Oh and here’s Panic!’s new song, Miss Jackson for those of you who are interested. If you live in America, you’ll probably have heard it seeing as it’s like 12th in the charts or something, but here in the UK it’s not really been announced anywhere. So voila, enjoy.